DrawShape Example



Draws some shapes on the screen using the DrawShape method of the Map object.

VBScript Code

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Sub DrawShapes
      'Create an ellipse object and set its extent to the map extent
      Dim pEllipse
      Set pEllipse = Application.CreateAppObject("Ellipse")
      pEllipse.Extent = Map.Extent
      'Create a symbol object
      Dim pSymbol
      Set pSymbol = Application.CreateAppObject("Symbol")
      'Set symbol properties for drawing the ellipse
      pSymbol.FillStyle = 0      'solid
      pSymbol.LineWidth = 3 
      pSymbol.LineColor = 33023      'orange
      pSymbol.FillColor = 16776960      'cyan
      'Draw the ellipse with the specified symbology
      Call Map.DrawShape(pEllipse, pSymbol)
      'Modify the ellipse
      pEllipse.left = 0.0
      pEllipse.right = 4.0 = 3.5
      pEllipse.bottom = 0.5
      'Modify the symbol properties for drawing the modified ellipse
      pSymbol.BackgroundMode = 2      'opaque
      pSymbol.BackgroundColor = 65535      'yellow
      pSymbol.FillStyle = 2      'hatch
      pSymbol.FillHatch = 5      'diagonal cross
      pSymbol.LineWidth = 2
      pSymbol.LineColor = 16711680      'blue
      'Draw the modified ellipse with the updated symbology
      Call Map.DrawShape(pEllipse, pSymbol)
      'Create a points collection and point object
      Dim pPoints, pPoint
      Set pPoints = Application.CreateAppObject("Points")
      Set pPoint = Application.CreateAppObject("Point")
      'Populate the points collection
      Dim dblX, dblY
      For dblY = 1 To 3
            For dblX = 1 To 3
                  pPoint.X = dblX
                  pPoint.Y = dblY
                  pPoints.Add pPoint
      'Create a line object and add the points collection to it
      Dim pLine
      Set pLine = Application.CreateAppObject("Line")
      Call pLine.Parts.Add(pPoints)
      'Modify the symbol object for drawing the line
      pSymbol.LineColor = 4210816      'brown
      pSymbol.LineWidth = 2
      'Draw the line with the updated symbology
      Call Map.DrawShape(pLine, pSymbol)
      'Modify the symbol object for drawing the points collection
      pSymbol.MarkerStyle = 4            'star
      pSymbol.MarkerSize = 10
      pSymbol.MarkerAngle = 30
      pSymbol.LineColor = 0      'black
      pSymbol.LineWidth = 0
      pSymbol.FillStyle = 0      'solid
      pSymbol.FillColor = 65280      'green
      'Draw the points collection with the updated symbology
      Call Map.DrawShape(pPoints, pSymbol)
      'Free Resources
      Set pSymbol = Nothing
      Set pLine = Nothing
      Set pPoint = Nothing
      Set pPoints = Nothing
      Set pEllipse = Nothing
End Sub